Joining ICMDA
Why should you join ICMDA?
Membership is limited to national Christian medical and/or dental associations. As an affiliated member organisation of ICMDA you can enjoy:
- Partnership with over 60,000 Christian healthcare workers worldwide through over 100 national groups in every region of the world.
- Being able to fulfil the Great Commission through healthcare mission.
- Access to online Training Tracks, regional conferences and other learning opportunities.
- Shared networks of like-minded people with the support, fellowship and encouragement that such communities bring.
- Many of our national members are small fellowships with limited resources. ICMDA membership gives access to a growing collection of resources from medical specialists and experts.
- Opportunities to serve and give to support the development of medical and dental students and the next Christian leaders in healthcare.
Become a member of ICMDA
ICMDA is pleased to consider for membership groups which meet the following criteria:
- A nationally recognised Christian medical and/or dental association.
- Acceptance of ICMDA’s Mission, Vision and Statement of Faith.
- A membership organisation constituted by individual health professionals, students, doctors in training, and retirees who are, will be or have been qualified by a national licensing body.
- Interdenominational in charter and practice.
Members of ICMDA are nationally recognised Christian medical and/or dental associations. In general, membership of ICMDA is limited to one interdenominational organisation per country, but exceptions may be made by the Board with ratification of the General Assembly.
After a successful membership application groups are formally admitted to membership at the four yearly World Congress.
To discuss your country's fellowship joining ICMDA, please speak to your Regional Secretary or contact the ICMDA office.

Annual Subscriptions
Member groups are required to pay to ICMDA an annual subscription based on their size and World Bank category.
Dues per paying member of a national organisation in 2025 are:
- Low income economies $0.80
- Lower-middle income economies $2.75
- Upper-middle income economies $5.50
- High-income economies $15.00
For example, if your CMDA has 50 paying members and you are a lower-middle income economy, your dues for this year would be 50 x $2.75 = $137.50
Each ICMDA member group may select one or more representatives to sit on the ICMDA General Assembly which meets every four years.
The next AGM is due to be held at the 18th World Congress in Jeju Island, South Korea in July 2026.
ICMDA World Congresses and joining date of National Groups
Amsterdam - 1963
Japan (CMA)
Netherlands (CMF)
Norway (NKLF)
Sweden (KLM)
Switzerland (AGEAS)
Oxford - 1966
Canada (CMDA)
Denmark (KLF)
Finland (SKLS)
South Africa (CMF)
South Korea (KCMA)
Oslo - 1969
Toronto - 1972
Mexico (SMC)
Singapore - 1975
Australia (CMDF)
Singapore (CMDF)
Davos - 1978
Bangalore - 1982
New Zealand (CMF)
Cancun - 1986
Costa Rica (AMC)
Egypt (CMF)
Germany (ACM)
Hong Kong (CMDF)
India (CMA)
Nigeria (CMDA)
Taiwan (CMA)
Uganda (CMF)
Zimbabwe (CMF)
Seoul - 1990
Austria (ARCHAE)
El Salvador (AMC)
Guatemala (AMDC)
Hungary (KOMT)
Poland (CMF)
Stavenger - 1994
Argentina (ACAPS)
Estonia (ECMA)
Greece (CMDA)
Spain (CMU)
Ukraine (CMA)
Venezuela (SMOCEV)
Zambia (CMF)
Durban - 1998
Belgium (PMF)
India (EMFI)
Kenya (CMDA)
Romania (CMA)
Taipei - 2002
Bangladesh (CMA)
Bulgaria (CMF)
Ecuador (AMC)
Indonesia (CMDF)
Mongolia (GACDA)
Panama (ACPSA)
South Korea (CMF)
Uruguay (ACUPS)
Sydney - 2006
Brazil (AMC)
Ethiopia (CMDF)
Ghana (CMDF)
Lithuania (CMF)
Nepal (CMDA)
Portugal (ACEPS)
Russia (CMA)
Serbia (CMA)
Swaziland (CMDF)
Uruguay - 2010
Albania (CMA)
Armenia (ACMA)
Bolivia (ACBAS)
Botswana (CMDF)
Gambia (CMDA)
Malawi (CMDF)
Sudan (SCMF)
Rotterdam - 2014
Finland (FCDA)
Honduras (CMA)
South Sudan (CMDA)
Srilanka (HCF)
Tanzania (CMDA)
Hyderabad - 2018
Benin (CMDA)
Burkina Faso (AMDC)
Burundi (BCMDA)
Central Asia (CMUCA)
France (UEMP)
Haiti (CMNA)
Madagascar (CMDA)
Niger (AMPCN)
Republic of Mali (HAC)
Togo (AMCT)
Arusha - 2023
Azerbaijan (ACMU)
Belarus (BCMS)
Central African Republic (AMDCC)
Chad (AMDCT)
Chile (ACPS)
Cuba (ACCPS)
Dominican Republic (SDCPC)
Egypt (DWAM)
Gabon (ICMDA)
Georgia (CMAG)
Guinea Bissau (APROVI-GB)
Guinea (RCGS)
Italy (AMICO)
Latvia (CMF)
Lesotho (CMFL)
Liberia (CMDA)
Moldova (CMF)
Mozambique (ACRIPS)
Myanmar (MCHWA)
Papua New Guinea (CMDF)
Rwanda (CMDO)
Senegal (AMDCS)
Thailand (CMF)