Bioethics Training
The Bioethics training track is a 14-part video series, produced by Prof John Wyatt. In it you will discover the principles of medical ethics from a Christian worldview. The course will unpack the foundations that should underpin the thinking of every Christian healthcare professional.
It covers such topics as:
- Machine thinking, technology, consumerism, ethical pluralism
- Foundations of Christian Bioethics -
Creation, Fall, Redemption and Future hope - Beginning of life, reproductive technology and Abortion
- Euthanasia, dying well and palliative care
- Low resources
- Corruption in health care
- Mental health
- Region specific topics that are identified
The training track will involve weekly interactive Zoom sessions. Prior to each session trainees will need to watch that week's training video.
There will be a short written assignment between the weekly sessions. Trainees will need to set aside two - three hours a week for this track (1.5 hour virtual meeting, 30 minutes watching training video, 30 minutes writing assignment.)
Training opportunities
Further cohorts are being planned; click here to register your interest.
Contact a coordinator in your region to discuss further opportunities:
APSA - The Americas & Portuguese-Speaking Africa
EEM - Europe, Eurasia and Middle East & North Africa
SSA - Sub-Saharan Africa
ESSO - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia & Oceania

Contact a coordinator in your region to discuss further opportunities:
APSA - The Americas & Portuguese-speaking Africa
EEM - Europe, Eurasia and Middle East & North Africa
SSA - Sub-Saharan Africa
ESSO - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia & Oceania