ICMDA seeks to start and strengthen national movements of Christian doctors and dentists. We believe the best way to do that is to train godly and gifted individuals for leadership who will then go on to equip others.

These training tracks are a key priority. With the widespread availability of technology we are able to bring together small groups of trainees from all over the world for mentoring and personalised training.

We require those wishing to join a training track to meet the following criteria and fill in the appropriate application form. If successful, you will be invited to join the training track and be given the links to attend sessions.


To apply you should be:

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Training Track Cluster Coordinators:

Alex Bolek

Confident Christianity (SSA)

Alex Etubi

Sydenham Foundations (SSA)

Anitha Grace

Servant Leadership (ESSO)

Christa Adeline

Confident Christianity (ESSO)

Claudia Anastasia

Sydenham Foundation (ESSO)

David Sawadogo

Bioethics (SSA)

Ella Metry

Sydenham Foundations (EEM)

Flávia Figueiró da Fonseca

Sydenham Foundations (APSA)

Gabriel Leão

Confident Christianity (APSA)

Jean Paul Dansou

Confident Christianity (SSA)

Jennifer Brito Warner

Bioethics (APSA)

Kizito Shisanya

Bioethics (SSA)

Mulinda Nyirenda 

Servant Leadership (SSA)

Osée Nkengurutse

Sydenham Foundations (SSA)

Ronald Jonathan

Bioethics (ESSO)

Sofako Egloh

Servant Leadership (SSA)

Training Opportunities

Training TrackCohortFacilitatorsStart Date (YYYY/MM/DD)DayUTC TimeEstimated End Date (YYYY/MM/DD)
Confident ChristianityAfrica
Alex Bolek, Courage, Margret & Papa Ataro2025/01/22Wednesdays17:00 UTC2025/04/16
Servant LeadershipAfricaMulinda2025/02/04Tuesdays17:00 UTC2025/05/06
Servant LeadershipSouth AsiaAngelene, Nelum, Seesam2025/02/05Wednesdays14:00 UTC2025/05/07
Servant LeadershipEast, Southeast Asia & OceaniaKenneth, Finnish, Jim2025/02/12Wednesdays12:00 UTC2025/05/07
Confident ChristianityPortugueseJenniffer D, Gabriel L, Celso B, Aloide L, Juliana L, Maurizio F, Marta L, Nycole S, Fernanda V2025/02/21Friday23:30 UTC2025/02/22
SydenhamPortugueseFlávia, Artur, Jenny2025/02/22Saturdays19:00 UTC2025/05/24
SydenhamSpanishFlávia, Arthur, Marie2025/02/22Saturdays17:30 UTC2025/05/24
SydenhamFrancophone Osée Nkengurutse2025/02/23Sundays16:30 UTC2025/05/04