#185 – How to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiot 🗓

With Dr Andy Bannister

How to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiot is a no-nonsense, panic-free guide to having natural conversations with your friends and family about your faith.

This webinar will explore why you don’t need to be afraid or uncomfortable, the four questions that help people open up, the five steps to respond to tough questions, and how to effortlessly bring faith into a conversation. It doesn’t need to be awkward.

Everyday conversations that open the door to evangelism can be painless and natural. Discover easy ways to talk about the true meaning of life and learn how to share the gospel with your neighbours, friends, and family.

Dr Andy Bannister
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Dr. Andy Bannister is the Director of Solas Centre for Public Christianity, speaking and teaching regularly throughout the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA, and the wider world. From universities to churches, business forums to TV and radio, he regularly addresses audiences of both Christians and those of all faiths and none on issues relating to faith, culture, politics and society.

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