#194 – Conscientious Objection and Duty of Care 🗓
With Larry Worthen
The swift advance of euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAiD) in Canada and its corresponding effect on conscience rights should be a cautionary tale for the rest of the world. Nova Scotia doctors are currently fighting to practice medicine against regulators who are trying to normalize the practice of euthanasia by requiring an "effective referral" of patients to the service. As the number of disturbing cases expands, more and more doctors are unable to comply with regulators who are threatening discipline for non compliance.
Further resources:
- The Way of Medicine by Farr Curlin & Christopher Tollefsen
- Professional Standards Regarding Conscientious Objection - CMDA Canada
- Dying with Christ, Living with Hope - a resource for churches
Recommended Books:
- Dignity Therapy: Final Words for Final Days by Harvey Max Chochinov
- How Should We then Die?: A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death by Ewan C. Goligher
- On Death and Dying: A Catechism for Christians by Ewan Goligher & Kyle Hackmann
- A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide by Blaise Alleyne & Jonathon Van Maren