#224 Global Mission: 21st century patterns and possibilities 🗓

With Chris Howles

The 21st century world is different. But are our methods and means of world mission remaining static? Since the turn of the century we've seen unprecedented increases in global migration, huge growth in the size and reach of the majority world church (and corresponding decline in the Western church), and the continued rise in trends such as urbanisation, polycentricism, and nationalism.

The gospel never changes and God's plans remain the same, but how should Christians think about global mission in light of these patterns and the many gospel possibilities that are inherent to them?

Chris Howles
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Chris Howles is 'Director of Cross-Cultural Training' at Oak Hill College, London where he helps equip theological students for intercultural mission and ministries in a globalised world both in the UK and internationally. Previously, he served as 'Head of Theology' in a large Bible college on the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda for 12 years. Chris is the founder and lead of the missions-resourcing website www.fromeverynation.net which helps to equip Christians with excellent quality relevant and recent resources related to world mission, world church, and world Christianity through the monthly email 'Mission Hits'.

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