#226 Global Advocacy – our responsibility? 🗓

With Fi McLachlan & Prof Sam Leinster

Why and how should healthcare professionals engage in advocacy on matters of health? How can we approach this and how do we both use, but not abuse, our positions in respect of those in need in the communities we serve?

What might some of the barriers be to engaging in advocacy on health issues?

Fi McLachlan
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Fi McLachlan is the Head of UK CMF Global, has a background in healthcare management and mission having worked with marginalised groups e.g. those addicted to drugs, people living with HIV etc.

Prof Sam Leinster

Sam is a retired General Surgeon with a special interest in Surgical Oncology and Medical Education. He was Professor of Surgery at the University of Liverpool before becoming the Inaugural Dean of Norwich Medical School and is Emeritus Professor of Medical Education at UEA. He has been involved with CMF for over 40 years and has been a member of the Board of Trustees and President.

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