#92 Empty pool syndrome

With Dr Pablo Martínez

We can compare our life to a swimming pool where the water is our energy. Two streams of water need to occur at the same time: output, that is water coming out (our physical, emotional and spiritual energy); but also input, the water coming in, which is our personal renewal and refreshment.

Whenever there is more output than input, the pool gets empty little by little, causing emotional and spiritual dryness, eventually leading to burn out.

As Christian doctors we should remember that a full life is not the same as a fruitful life and that God created us as human beings, not human doings. The purpose of this webinar is not making you work less, but helping you rest and renew yourself better.

Dr Pablo Martínez Vila
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Dr Pablo Martínez is a psychiatrist and he currently works at a private practice in Barcelona. He develops a wide ministry as lecturer and teacher in many European countries on topics like “Mind and faith”, “The therapeutic value of the Gospel in emotional problems” or “Taking care of yourself”. His books dealing with such issues have been translated into 16 languages. He served the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) as one of its vice presidents.