Vision & Mission


"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. No servant is greater than his master."

John 13:15-16

We aim to walk in the footsteps of the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ, who sent his disciples to preach the gospel and heal the sick.
(Matthew 9:35 & Luke 9:2)

The VISION of ICMDA is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation.

As an association our MISSION is to start and strengthen national Christian medical and dental movements through:

  • CALLING - Enabling national movements to dialogue within themselves and with each other on relevant issues in their secular or other-faith contexts from a foundation that is biblical and ethical
  • EQUIPPING - Training and building the perspectives, Christian understanding and witness of doctors, dentists and students for leadership
  • FELLOWSHIP - Bringing together members in fellowship at regional, international and other levels to support each other through mutual encouragement, prayer and learning
  • SERVICE - Initiating and strengthening missions to all, especially to vulnerable communities through partnership among national movements

The AIMS of the Association are:

  • to provide national Christian medical and dental organisations with a regular means of exchange of views, information and experiences in the fields of medicine and dentistry, particularly where these concern Christian faith and ethics
  • to promote, and establish bonds of fellowship, friendship and co-operation among Christian medical and dental men and women throughout the world
  • to examine and test changes in medical and dental thought and action by the principles of the Basis of Membership
  • to disseminate information concerning and to promote discussions of, problems which arise for Christians practicing medicine and dentistry
  • to support the special needs and activities of medical and dental students and junior graduates, thereby emphasising the value of their influence
  • to promote, encourage and support the work of Christian medical and dental missions throughout the world.

The ICMDA LOGO is an ever present reminder of the challenging call to provide compassionate care according to the example of Christ. It is inspired by the passage of scripture in John 13 where Jesus in humility washes the feet of his disciples and wipes them dry with the towel. The cross together with a basin & towel symbolise sacrificial love for and humble service to all humankind.