The upcoming ICMDA World Congress due to take place in Arusha from 20-25 June 2023 will be the 17th World Congress coinciding with the 60th-anniversary celebration of the ICMDA.
Organizing these four-yearly events is a massive undertaking. It requires human capital as well as financial capital for it to be successful. The latter comes mainly from two sources, attendance as well as support to the bursary fund, hence mobilization focuses on both.
A big question to address is why is it important to continue with these events that are so costly and time-consuming to prepare? Is it worth both the personal and organizational investment?
This webinar will try to address these questions as well as keep all up to speed with where we are with the planning, line-ups, content and also to share the challenges and the many blessings of God's provision. You may bring your own questions too as we look forward to just over 100 days remaining before the start of the congress.