#159 – Europe’s failure – the gospel’s greatest competitor 🗓

With Greg Pritchard

Every Christian leader knows the European church has declined over the last century. Why? Because European Unbelief has exploded in growth and choked off the Gospel church in Europe.
But Europe's problem is now the world's problem. In 1900, Unbelief was less than 1% of the world's population, but today it is 14%. Unbelief is the Gospel's Greatest Competitor. How can we respond? What lessons can we learn from the European church's failure and the beginning of a Gospel resurgence in Europe over the last 20 years?

Greg Pritchard
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Greg Pritchard earned his MA from Trinity School of Divinity before continuing on to finish his PhD at Northwestern University. The intersection of theology, history, philosophy and sociology is Greg’s primary focus both in teaching and writing.
He has taught graduate-level courses on apologetics, theology, history, leadership, the New Testament, ethics, and Christian Thought at American, European, and Asian institutions of higher learning.
His book, Willow Creek Seeker Services, has been published in four languages. Currently, Greg serves as the President of the Forum of Christian Leaders and as the Director of the European Leadership Forum. He, his wife, Lori, and their three children reside in Naperville, IL.

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