#168 – Serving the urban poor 🗓
Dr Milton Amayun
Milton earned his MD from the University of the Philippines and a Master of Public Health from Harvard University. At the 1978 World Congress of the International Congress of Christian Physicians (ICMDA’s predecessor), he met his wife Dr. Raija Ebeling from Helsinki, Finland. They were married in Bangkok, Thailand in 1982 and then served in Thailand, Costa Rica, Cambodia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Senegal, the United States, Eastern Europe, Benin and the Philippines.
Dr. Raija went home to the Lord in September 2022 after a two-year long illness while they were stationed in Manila. Since then, Milton’s involvement with poverty issues has further intensified.
He is currently the President of Yuchengco Center, a think tank on poverty; chairs or sits on the Board of Directors of several civil society organizations; and teaches leadership and development themes in a private university. He also leads a home church once a week.