#193 – Preventing Suicide: the story, the facts, the future 🗓

With Prof John Gibson

This webinar offers a personal story of the devastating impact of suicide on family, friends and colleagues and asks how we might do better in preventing suicide at home, in education, at work and in our communities.

Following attendance at this webinar, delegates will:

  • Understand the devastating impact of suicide on family, friends, colleagues and communities;
  • Understand the factors influencing suicidal behaviour;
  • Have the skills to construct and implement a suicide safety plan for themselves or someone else;
  • Be challenged to implement changes in their own lives to ensure a positive approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Prof John Gibson
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John Gibson is qualified in both medicine and dentistry and has worked in academic Oral Medicine for his entire career. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Oral Medicine in the University of Aberdeen, Chief Executive Officer of The Canmore Trust charity (SC051511) and a member of the Lived Experience Panel of the Scottish Government’s National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group. On 20th October 2019, John’s youngest child, Cameron, died by suicide at 24-years-old, and his world changed forever. John now works to prevent suicide, and, through The Canmore Trust, to offer support to individuals, families, workplaces and communities affected by suicide.

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