#215 Using the Bible in Muslim evangelism ๐Ÿ—“

Beth Peltola
CEO, Writer, Lecturer, Consultant at One Truth Project

Beth Peltola has studied Islam for 25 years, researching Biblical responses to questions Muslims ask of the Christian faith. During a prayer meeting in 1996 at Bible College, the Lord led her to move to London to serve in a Turkish speaking Church.

Beth then joined a mission team for 15 years, who debated with Muslim missionaries to Britain. Hearing their views of the Qurโ€™an and Islamic texts prompted her to complete a Masters degree researching Islamic internal debates.

For six years she worked as an International Worker teaching English at her local church, encouraging discussions about beliefs and religions, working to foster a harmonious and loving attitude towards each other.

Beth now works as a writer and teacher on Biblically responding to Islam, developing training courses for the Church and public short courses which respond to objections posed against Christianity.

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