#215 Using the Bible in Muslim evangelism 🗓

With Beth Peltola

The Bible addresses religions like Islam on almost every page…

In fact, the Christian does not need to know much about Islam to share the good news with Muslims, but the Christian does need to know the written word from God & the Living Word of God.

Listen to hear how the Bible can be used in introducing Muslims to Jesus.

Beth Peltola
CEO, Writer, Lecturer, Consultant at  |  + posts

Elizabeth Peltola is a lecturer and consultant on Biblically understanding Islam and Christian mission. At 18 years of age, she attended Emmaus Bible College in America to pursue a degree in Biblical studies in preparation to move to London, UK, to serve in a Church for Turkish speakers. She ran a mission team that witnessed and debated with Muslim missionaries at Speakers Corner, in London's Hyde Park and has completed a MTh in Islamic history and theology. CEO of the 'One Truth Project', a Christian resourcing and consultancy organisation providing a Biblical response to Islam’s theology, history, and mission. She also hosts The First Steps of God Podcast and author of two books, Questions to Ask Your Muslim Friends and A Short Guide to Islam.

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