#86 Mental health within a biblical worldview

With Dr Nick Land

More than one in four of us will have a significant episode of psychiatric illness at some time in our lives. The World Health Organisation now says that depression is the largest single cause of ill health across the world.

As Christian health professionals we have a special responsibility to people with mental health problems, who are often stigmatised or marginalised, and to help our churches minister to them. The seminar will seek to answer:

  • How do we make sense of secular models of mental illness from a Christian perspective?
  • What is the role of sin in mental illness?
Dr Nick Land
Psychiatrist |  + posts

Dr Nick Land is a psychiatrist, a retired medical director of a large mental health organisation, an Anglican Reader (lay theologian) and a previous chair of Christian Medical Fellowship UK. He is married to Helen (a General Practitioner) and has three sons, a grandson and three charming daughters-in-law!