#89 Qualified! What’s your next move?
With Dr Rick Paul
So you graduated! Congratulations, it is the crown on your training. But it can also result in uncertainty, even anxiety. Because… what to do next? What to choose? What if you make the wrong choice? You will be unhappy all your life. At least, that is how it feels. And even when we had plans, this pandemic destroyed many of them.
Modern society also puts responsibility on our own shoulders. Make your own future! Yes, you can! But the downside is, that if you fail, it’s your own fault!
No wonder we look around for answers, for guidance. If only God would answer us. Directly, or by texts or circumstances. And yet, it rarely happens. So we hesitate, we postpone…
This webinar looks at our culture and at ourselves; and then discusses guiding principles and practical solutions. It can help you to trust and move forward.
Further resources:
Short motivational videos:
Dr Rick Paul
Rick Paul is a general thoracic surgeon in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. With his wife Ineke, also a doctor, he served as a medical missionary in Nigeria (1986-89). On return to Holland he specialized in general surgery, followed by surgical oncology and general thoracic surgery. He has a keen interest in training students and residents. He became involved in ICMDA in 2010: First in helping to organize the Rotterdam 2014 World Congress, and from 2015-20 as Regional Secretary for the Eurasia Region. Ineke and Rick have four children, all teachers, and nine grandchildren. He has retired as a surgeon but hopes to stay involved in student work.