#99 Theology of disease and global health
With Dr Daniel O'Neill
We will present a four-fold theological framework for health-related mission revealing God’s healing intentions in creation, fall, redemption, and consummation.
Starting with creation, health and wholeness, we then identify the origins of disease processes through corruption and fractured relations which creates a deep yearning for healing.
Then we trace a compelling biblical call to participate in salvation, healing and mission for an active engagement for health workers, showing what healing is, what it requires, and what it results in – abundant life.
Further resources:
- Healing as God’s Intention for Ministers of Reconciliation. O’Neill, Daniel W. (2022)
- Moving from Aristotle to Jesus: Growing into a Flourishing Global Community. O’Neill, Daniel W. (2021) Micah Global Network - Kushamiri papers #4
- All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health. O'Neill, D. W., & Snodderly, E. (Eds.) (2021)
- Christian Journal for Global Health
- Christian Global Health in Perspectives Course
- ICMDA Global Health Training Track
Dr Daniel O'Neill
Daniel O’Neill, MD, MTh is a physician-theologian and managing editor of Christian Journal for Global Health, Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and holds a master’s degree in biblical & theological studies from Bethel Seminary. He has served on health and development projects among impoverished or displaced populations. He is a co-founder of Health for All Nations and author and co-editor of the book All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health.