
International Board

The ICMDA Board is composed of 15 members from around the world. Nominations for board members will be called for from the membership six months before the quadrennial General Assembly. Prior to the General Assembly, the Board will select a slate of candidates to recommend to the Assembly.

The Board is responsible for managing the CEO, approving the annual budget, developing the strategic plan and policy making. The CEO serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Vijay Aruldas

South Asia board member (chair)

Hannes Steinberg

Southern Africa board member (vice-chair)

Howard Lyons

Europe board member (treasurer)

Alan Gijsbers

Oceania Board Member

Daniel Ojuka

East Africa board member

Herng-Der Chern

East Asia board member

Jan Grzeszkowiak

Europe board member

Joseph Kim

East Asia board member

Mike Chupp

North America board member

Mireille Gomes

South America board member

Mulinda Nyirenda

Southern Africa board member

Odunayo Oluwatosin

West Africa board member

Ouedraogo Solange

Francophone Africa board member

Zeerak Samuel

South Asia board member

For board members and fieldworkers, follow this private link to access ICMDA board policies and other relevant documents:

Chief Executive

The ICMDA CEO is appointed by the Board to fulfill the vision and mission of the association. The appointment covers a four-year renewable term. He is supported by the board of trustees, Associate Executive Officers and twelve Regional Secretaries.

Peter Saunders

Chief Executive Officer

Regional Committees

ICMDA regions are encouraged to form a Regional Committee elected from all the Member Organisations of that region.

The Regional Committee shall work with the Regional Secretary to implement the mission, vision and values of ICMDA in the region within the stipulated policies set by the ICMDA and committee members are usually elected at a Regional Conference.

Each Regional Committee usually consists of a Chairman, Treasurer, the Regional Secretary and Regional Representative, plus an appropriate number of members elected from all the organisations in the region.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the final governing authority for the association. It meets every four years in conjunction with the World Congress.

The aim of the assembly is to maintain the overall vision and mission of the association. They appoint board members, ratify new members into fellowship and promote other initiatives within the family of ICMDA.

Each member organisation of ICMDA may select representatives to the general assembly according to the number of national members the organisation has.

  • 1-100 national members = one representative
  • 101-400 national members = two representatives
  • 401-1000 national members = three representatives
  • 1001+ national members = four representatives

Recordings from the 2022 virtual General Assembly can be found here.
