Listed in the database below are the ICMDA webinars recorded since 2020. Feel free to browse for a session you may have missed. You may sort columns by date, speaker, title or category by clicking the relevant heading or use the search feature to find a specific title or author. Pop-up video recordings can be accessed by clicking the Video Number, and further resources (slides, notes, and other relevant links) by clicking the Title.

VideoDateSpeakerTitle & ResourcesCategory
239 20/03/2025Larson, JeffreyUsing technology in missionary careTechnology
238 13/03/2025Soderling, MikeA Christian healthcare perspective on Lausanne 4Global Health
237 06/03/2025Pickering, MarkLessons from the early UK Christian Medical MovementMinistry
236 27/02/2025Shah, VinodHinduism and the New AgeChristian Perspectives
235 20/02/2025Eppinette, Matthew Bioethics yesterday, today and tomorrowChristian Perspectives
234 13/02/2025Willing, StevenTransgenderism through the lens of neuroscienceMarriage & Sexuality
233 06/02/2025Chapman, AshleighHealthcare response to human traffickingGlobal Health
232 30/01/2025O'Neill, DanielWe are a bodyChristian Perspectives
231 23/01/2025Mathew, SanthoshDistance education in healthcare managementVocation
230 16/01/2025Patrick, JohnMorality and ethics in today’s worldChristian Perspectives
229 09/01/2025Dansou, Jean-PaulBuilding a strong Christian familyMarriage & Sexuality
228 19/12/2024Shah, VinodHealthcare mission in IndiaMissions
227 12/12/2024Willing, StevenEmpty cradles, empty nurseriesMarriage & Sexuality
226 05/12/2024McLachlan, Fi & Leinster, SamGlobal Advocacy - our responsibility?Christian Perspectives
225 28/11/2024Bolek, AlexEstablishing new national movementsMinistry
224 21/11/2024Howles, ChrisGlobal Mission: 21st century patterns and possibilitiesMissions
223 07/11/2024Brown, LindsayReaching the University for ChristEvangelism
222 31/10/2024Walker, Benjamin Bronnert 100 years of mission, health & development in GhanaGlobal Health
221 24/10/2024Pilon, PeterDistributing Bibles in the 21st centuryEvangelism
220 17/10/2024Bolek, AlexThe state of the church and healthcare in AfricaChristian Perspectives
219 10/10/2024O'Neill, DanielMaking all things newChristian Perspectives
218 03/10/2024Allen, RickCompassionate LoveMinistry
217 26/09/2024Stammers, Trevor Determination of deathEnd of Life
216 19/09/2024Bannister, AndyDigital evangelismMissions
215 12/09/2024Peltola, BethUsing the Bible in Muslim evangelismMissions
214 05/09/2024Goligher, EwanA Christian response to assisted deathEnd of Life
213 29/08/2024Shehadeh, EmilScrutinising claims Muslims make about the Qur'anChristian Perspectives
212 22/08/2024Knell, MarionAvoiding burnoutMental health
211 15/08/2024Räsänen, Päivi Fighting for Religious Freedom in FinlandChristian Perspectives
210 08/08/2024Sivulka, JelenaLimits to compassionMental health
209 01/08/2024Hudson, PaulFinding joy in the crucible of ministryMental health
208 25/07/2024Heiberg, ChristoResponding to Islamic DawaMissions
207 18/07/2024Maxwell, JulieThe Cass Review: reaction and implicationsMarriage & Sexuality
206 11/07/2024Mayer, JohnMission strategy: The circle of significanceMissions
205 04/07/2024Brierley, JustinThe surprising rebirth of belief in GodChristian Perspectives
204 27/06/2024Ljungström, LarsResourcing Ukrainian doctors – a story of hopeMinistry
203 20/06/2024Midgley, SteveEquipping churches for biblical conversationsDiscipleship
202 13/06/2024Jenkins, ChrisThe blessing of unanswered prayerDiscipleship
201 06/06/2024Wyatt, JohnAI in medicine: A Christian perspectiveTechnology
200 30/05/2024Bannister, AndyAnswering Muslim friends and colleaguesEvangelism
199 23/05/2024Perdi, YawAfrica to the rest: from mission field to mission forceMissions
198 16/05/2024Ko, StephenHealing and embodied faithChristian Perspectives
197 09/05/2024Bedi, RamanInfant oral mutilation: an East African dilemmaClinical Practice
196 02/05/2024Hanford, Laura BryantThe WHO guideline to universalise gender transitionMarriage & Sexuality
195 25/04/2024Harvey, RichardThe Elephant and the Ant: Why bother with Messianic Jews?Christian Perspectives
194 18/04/2024Worthen, LarryConscientious objection and duty of careEnd of Life
193 11/04/2024Gibson, JohnPreventing suicide: the story, the facts, the futureMental health
192 04/04/2024Shehadeh, EmilAttitudes to women: Christianity v IslamMarriage & Sexuality
191 28/03/2024Francis, PattiSupporting women physicians and dentistsMinistry
190 21/03/2024Fell, KallieEggsploitation: Trading on the female body Beginning of Life
189 14/03/2024Pang, JeffreySex, porn and the churchMarriage & Sexuality
188 07/03/2024Martí­nez, PabloPrayer and personality Discipleship
187 29/02/2024Wyatt, JohnIntergenerational friendship - investing in the next generationDiscipleship
186 22/02/2024Cunningham, RichardEvangelism in the Western University Evangelism
185 15/02/2024Bannister, AndyHow to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiotEvangelism
184 08/02/2024Muindi, FlorenceWholistic Community Transformation Global Health
183 01/02/2024Fountain, DougMapping Christian healthcare assetsMinistry
182 25/01/2024O'Neill, DanielPublishing in the literature: getting noticedVocation
181 18/01/2024Stammers, TrevorOrgan Donation Euthanasia End of Life
180 11/01/2024Larimore, WaltBecoming an Everyday Missionary in HealthcareMissions
179 14/12/2023Downes, GregCelebrating Christmas - Using the festive season for evangelismDiscipleship
178 07/12/2023Shehadeh, EmilWhy Muslims become Christians Missions
177 30/11/2023Williams, AndreaTransgenderism and Civil LibertiesMarriage & Sexuality
176 23/11/2023Saba, PaulEuthanasia: Lessons from CanadaEnd of Life
175 16/11/2023Chang, BenApologetics in a Post-Truth WorldApologetics
174 09/11/2023Jongkind, DirkAre the New Testament Documents reliable?Apologetics
173 02/11/2023Herman, Rajni & Ao, MoanaroEngaging with marginalised communitiesGlobal Health
172 26/10/2023McDonald, GordonOpposing the legalisation of euthanasiaEnd of Life
171 19/10/2023Cirucci, ChrisChemical abortion: availability & complicationsBeginning of Life
170 12/10/2023Cherian, AnilMobilising workers for healthcare missionMissions
169 05/10/2023Hamilton, TedPhysician burnout: prevalence, prevention & resilienceMental health
168 28/09/2023Amayun, MiltonServing the urban poorGlobal Health
167 21/09/2023Calvert, SimonConversion therapy and civil libertiesMarriage & Sexuality
166 14/09/2023Mathew, SanthoshWork, vocation, profession, and the heart of GodVocation
165 07/09/2023O'Neill, DanielLessons from the global church - health and healingGlobal Health
164 31/08/2023Coulter, PaulConversational Apologetics Principles from 1 Peter 3Apologetics
163 24/08/2023Wyatt, JohnUnderstanding Generation ZChristian Perspectives
162 17/08/2023Land, NickWho decides who we are - self and identityMental health
161 10/08/2023Strange, DanMagnetic faith, magnetic spacesEvangelism
160 03/08/2023Van Mol, AndréAddressing TransgenderismMarriage & Sexuality
159 27/07/2023Pritchard, GregEurope's failure - the gospel's greatest competitorChristian Perspectives
158 20/07/2023Sadykova, JamilyaNew nicotine addiction toolsClinical Practice
157 29/06/2023Smith, JayUnderstanding Islam - The Qur'anic manuscriptsApologetics
156 15/06/2023Smith, JayUnderstanding Islam - the importance of MuhammadApologetics
155 08/06/2023Smith, JayUnderstanding Islam - the importance of MeccaApologetics
154 01/06/2023Larimore, WaltFaith flags, faith stories, and faith prescriptionsEvangelism
153 25/05/2023Mygovich, RudiWhere is God in war?Christian Perspectives
152 18/05/2023Pickering, MarkLessons from the birth of medical missionMissions
151 11/05/2023Zechariah, Rebekah; Kellerman, Frikkie & Velavan, JachinPromoting family medicine worldwideGlobal Health
150 04/05/2023Ebenezer, Johann & Alexander, Praveen Community mental health in low resource settingsMental health
149 27/04/2023Smith, JayUnderstanding Islam: The hermeneutical keyApologetics
148 20/04/2023Allen, RickEnsuring medical missionary longevityMissions
147 13/04/2023Tan, Lai YongTraining village healthcare workers Vocation
146 06/04/2023Pickering, RachaelEthical management of torture & ill-treatment Global Health
145 30/03/2023Jenkins, ChrisSpiritual warfare and the mindMental health
144 23/03/2023Falkenheimer, ShariGoing on mission without leaving homeMissions
143 16/03/2023Martí­nez, PabloSuccess - Secular versus ChristianChristian Perspectives
142 09/03/2023Winter, RichardThe pursuit of excellence and the perils of perfectionismMental health
141 02/03/2023Lutakwa, AugustinICMDA World Congress 2023Ministry
140 23/02/2023Leng, MhoiraPalliative care in low resource and fragile settingsEnd of Life
139 16/02/2023Whitehall, JohnThe teenage brain and decision makingMarriage & Sexuality
138 09/02/2023Lennox, JohnEvolution: A theory in crisis?Christian Perspectives
137 02/02/2023Larimore, WaltUsing a spiritual history to uncover religious struggleMental health
136 26/01/2023Stammers, TrevorOrgans from the deadEnd of Life
135 19/01/2023Greenall, JohnDeveloping volunteer leadersMinistry
134 12/01/2023O'Neill, DanielJesus' diverse healing methodsGlobal Health
133 05/01/2023Bolek, AlexServant LeadershipMinistry
132 15/12/2022Willing, StevenTop ten myths of the sexual revolutionMarriage & Sexuality
131 08/12/2022Miller, CalumReducing abortion ratesBeginning of Life
130 01/12/2022Spillman, Ian Funding church hospitals locallyMinistry
129 24/11/2022Fergusson, LoisHumanitarian response teams - principles & pitfallsGlobal Health
128 17/11/2022Wyatt, JohnWhat are old people for?End of Life
127 10/11/2022Day, JohnPractising medicine in a resource limited settingGlobal Health
126 27/10/2022Larimore, WaltSpiritual history in clinical practiceEvangelism
125 20/10/2022Wood, LauraLife in 'Survival Mode'Mental health
124 13/10/2022Philip, VargheseReimagining WorkVocation
123 06/10/2022Shah, VinodPersonhood: a Christian understandingChristian Perspectives
122 29/09/2022Pickering, RachaelCaring for victims of torture and ill-treatmentGlobal Health
121 22/09/2022Ritchie, JimBoundaries for healthcare missionariesMissions
120 15/09/2022O'Neill, DanielHealing: a missing link in theologyChristian Perspectives
119 08/09/2022Francis, ChristinaProlife apologeticsBeginning of Life
118 01/09/2022Jenkins, ChrisBuilding ResilienceVocation
117 25/08/2022Latham, AntonyThe enigma of consciousnessChristian Perspectives
116 18/08/2022Coulter, PaulThe art of healthcareChristian Perspectives
115 11/08/2022Jansen, PerrySystems thinking for mission hospitalsVocation
114 04/08/2022Falkenheimer, Shari The life cycle of the Christian doctorMental health
113 28/07/2022Pickering, RachaelIntroduction to torture & ill-treatmentGlobal Health
112 21/07/2022Chang, BenjaminSpeaking for Christ in the culture warsChristian Perspectives
111 14/07/2022Koenig, HaroldAre faith and health related?Mental health
110 07/07/2022Stammers, TrevorMitochondrial DonationBeginning of Life
109 30/06/2022MacKellar, CalumEugenics and heritable genome editingBeginning of Life
108 16/06/2022Raheja, SunilThe Wonder of WisdomChristian Perspectives
107 09/06/2022O'Neill, DanielAristotle to Jesus: Human flourishingChristian Perspectives
106 26/05/2022Smith, SteveFreedom from addictionMental health
105 19/05/2022Harrison, GlynnIdentity and the struggle for recognitionMental health
104 12/05/2022Larimore, WaltPraying with patients in clinical careChristian Perspectives
103 05/05/2022Miller, CalumAbortion: the harm to womenBeginning of Life
102 28/04/2022Pickering, RachaelOffender healthcareGlobal Health
101 21/04/2022Bolek, AlexGod's grace & sovereignty in times of warChristian Perspectives
100 14/04/2022Wilkinson, DouglasRecent trends in trauma managementGlobal Health
99 07/04/2022O'Neill, DanielTheology of disease and global healthChristian Perspectives
98 31/03/2022Chupp, MikeOvercoming your dark side in leadershipMinistry
97 24/03/2022Nanninga, BertAddressing mental health needs in refugeesMental health
96 17/03/2022Snyder, Bob & Hallman, TylerPass it on: Leaving a legacy of faithDiscipleship
95 10/03/2022Fountain, DougStrengthening Health SystemsGlobal Health
94 04/03/2022Brown, DavidStrategic planning for national fellowshipsMinistry
93 24/02/2022Győri, GáborSharing faith with patients & colleaguesEvangelism
92 17/02/2022Martínez, Pablo Empty pool syndromeMental health
91 10/02/2022Harrison, DonnaMaternal mortality and the myth of safe abortionBeginning of Life
90 03/02/2022Steyn, ChrisDear doctor, how are you?Mental health
89 27/01/2022Paul, RickQualified!Vocation
88 20/01/2022Allen, RickCapacity building in mission hospitalsGlobal Health
87 13/01/2022Lee, BurtonCritical Care in Resource - Limited SettingsGlobal Health
86 06/01/2022Land, NickMental health within a biblical worldviewMental health
85 16/12/2021Lavy, ChrisPaediatric Orthopaedics in Sub-Saharan AfricaGlobal Health
84 09/12/2021Riordan, AndrewCOVID vaccines & treatmentsClinical Practice
83 02/12/2021Rudd, GeneAre faith and science compatible?Christian Perspectives
82 25/11/2021Wyatt, JohnEuthanasia and assisted suicide: recent developmentsEnd of Life
81 18/11/2021Taylor, PhilippaSurrogacyBeginning of Life
80 11/11/2021Huber, ValeriePromoting women's health globallyBeginning of Life
79 04/11/2021Mangalwadi, VishalThe Impact of the Bible on HealthcareChristian Perspectives
78 28/10/2021Williams, AndreaDefending Christian FreedomsApologetics
77 14/10/2021Stammers, TrevorLiving organ donation - When is it unethical?End of Life
76 07/10/2021Seshadri, MandalamCOVID - Lessons learnt in IndiaClinical Practice
75 30/09/2021Lee, Dae-YoungMedical Mission in the Islamic ContextMissions
74 23/09/2021Shah, VinodCritical, Creative and Christian ThinkingChristian Perspectives
73 16/09/2021Wright, JeanInnovation and the future of medicineNew Technology
72 09/09/2021Halverson, GloriaHuman traffickingGlobal Health
71 02/09/2021Haynes, Laura'Conversion therapy' - should it be banned?Marriage & Sexuality
70 26/08/2021Stammers, TrevorXenotransplantation: A solution to organ shortages?End of Life
69 19/08/2021Best, MeganEthics of in vitro fertilisationBeginning of Life
68 12/08/2021Tan, Soo-InnVocational DiscernmentVocation
67 05/08/2021Wyatt, JohnThe Doctor's ConscienceChristian Perspectives
66 29/07/2021George, KuruvillaResponding to COVID: Insights from Theology and PsychologyClinical Practice
65 22/07/2021Sivulka, JelenaCaring for our SoulsMental health
64 15/07/2021Ompusunggu, HotlinHealthcare and DeforestationGlobal Health
63 08/07/2021Goh, Wei LeongServing Migrant WorkersGlobal Health
62 01/07/2021Cherian, AnilTraining health workers for South Sudan - A transformational ministryGlobal Health
61 17/06/2021Wilder-Smith, AnneliesAddressing COVID Vaccine hesitancyClinical Practice
60 10/06/2021Landrum, DavidGlobal trends in religious freedomChristian Perspectives
59 03/06/2021Greene, MarkSharing life under pressureMental health
58 27/05/2021Patrick, JohnFrom Hippocrates to Evidence-Based Medicine Christian Perspectives
57 20/05/2021Chupp, MikeMentoring Christ followers in healthcareDiscipleship
5613/05/2021Pearcey, NancyDefending Sexual Truth in a Secular AgeMarriage & Sexuality
55 06/05/2021Grills, NathanDoctors and DisabilityClinical Practice
54 29/04/2021Martin, KiranTransforming urban slum communitiesGlobal Health
53 22/04/2021Taylor, PhilippaThe push for abortion in AfricaBeginning of Life
52 15/04/2021Tan, Soo-InnSpiritual Friendship - Following Jesus in the Company of FriendsDiscipleship
51 08/04/2021Falkenheimer, ShariMultiplying your Impact through teachingVocation
50 25/03/2021James, SharonHow Christianity transformed healthcareChristian Perspectives
49 18/03/2021Harrison, GlynnDoes faith cause more psychological harm than good?Mental health
48 11/03/2021Zechariah, RebekahFamily Medicine training in resource poor settingsGlobal Health
47 04/03/2021Paul, JamesWhy care for bodies? A heavenly perspective on the calling to practise medicineChristian Perspectives
46 25/02/2021Adams, PaulSharing Jesus in PersonEvangelism
45 18/02/2021Lennox, JohnArtificial intelligence and the future of humanityNew Technology
44 11/02/2021Warnock, AdrianWhen the doctor becomes the patientMental health
43 04/02/2021Shah, VinodSacred Secular dichotomies and healthcare missionChristian Perspectives
42 28/01/2021Wilder-Smith, AnneliesDeploying covid vaccines equitablyClinical Practice
41 21/01/2021Giles, TonyMaxillofacial Surgery in Sub-Saharan AfricaClinical Practice
40 14/01/2021Rispin, KarenResources for disability in healthcare missionGlobal Health
39 07/01/2021Stammers, TrevorOrgan trafficking, tourism and tradingEnd of Life
38 17/12/2020Rudd, GeneRestoring JoyDiscipleship
37 14/12/2020Kang, Gangandeep & Wilder-Smith, AnneliesCOVID vaccines - effectiveness, safety, ethics and deploymentClinical Practice
36 10/12/2020Winter, RichardCoping with anxiety in a dangerous worldMental health
35 03/12/2020Stevens, DaveStrengthening Mission HospitalsVocation
34 26/11/2020Kharel, RoshanDentistry in remote settings during covidClinical Practice
33 19/11/2020Pulimood, AnnaMedical Education post COVIDVocation
32 12/11/2020Paul, JamesIs reality socially constructed?Christian Perspectives
31 05/11/2020Thelander, KeirTraining Christian Surgeons in AfricaGlobal Health
30 29/10/2020Jaison, VineethTelemedicine - its role beyond COVIDClinical Practice
29 22/10/2020Welch, KatherineThe Role of Health Professionals on addressing Human TraffickingGlobal Health
28 15/10/2020Tomkins, AndrewCorruption in HealthcareChristian Perspectives
27 08/10/2020Whitehall, JohnManaging Gender Dysphoria in ChildrenMarriage & Sexuality
26 01/10/2020Stammers, TrevorThe Ethics of Genomic Editing Beginning of Life
25 24/09/2020Wyatt, JohnArtificial intelligence and the future of healthcareNew Technology
24 17/09/2020Waller, RobPerfectionism in Medicine Mental health
23 10/09/2020Steyn, ChrisGrowing your Prayer LifeDiscipleship
22 03/09/2020Mathew, GeorgeFacing COVID in a remote and resource poor location Clinical Practice
21 20/08/2020Mathew, Santhosh & John, PriyaCOVID: Leadership Lessons from the FrontlineMinistry
20 13/08/2020Bedi, RamanCOVID-19: A dental perspectiveClinical Practice
19 06/08/2020Lankester, TedCovid 19: longer term impacts on global healthGlobal Health
18 30/07/2020Ko, StephenRe-Opening Church Safely, Effectively, and BiblicallyMinistry
17 23/07/2020Vincent, Richard & Mott, AndyCompassion without BurnoutMental health
16 09/07/2020Clift, SimonAn Occupational Physician's perspective on COVID-19Clinical Practice
15 25/06/2020Riordan, AndyCOVID-19 antivirals and vaccines: what prospects?Clinical Practice
14 18/06/2020Tomkins, AndrewThe role of faith organisations in the prevention and care of Covid-19Ministry
13 11/06/2020Shah, Vinod & Zechariah, ArunCOVID and its likely impact on the future of health careNew Technology
12 08/06/2020Kim, David & JanetBuilding Spiritual Resilience with COVID-19: Lessons from New YorkMental health
11 04/06/2020Grills, Nathan & Mathias, KaarenThe Community health and development sector: What can COVID-19 teach us?Global Health
10 01/06/2020Lennox, JohnWhere is God in a coronavirus world?Christian Perspectives
9 21/05/2020Martinez, PabloHope and patience embrace each otherMental health
8 18/05/2020John, BobbyFlattening the curve and prevention in low resource settingsClinical Practice
7 14/05/2020Dixon, PatrickLife beyond COVID-19New Technology
6 11/05/2020Eaton, JulianMental health and COVID-19 in low resource settingsMental health
5 07/05/2020Haslam, JamesCritical Care for COVID-19 PatientsClinical Practice
4 04/05/2020Wyatt, JohnChristianity and Plagues: Lessons from historyChristian Perspectives
3 30/04/2020Leng, MhoiraPalliative care of COVID-19 patients in low resource settingsEnd of Life
2 27/04/2020Wyatt, JohnChristian Ethics, Compassion and Covid-19Christian Perspectives
1 21/04/2020Mathew, SanthoshThe COVID-19 Pandemic: Reflections from a limited resource settingClinical Practice

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